There is far more to insulation than lagging your loft at home. As industry looks to reduce its energy consumption it becomes vital for power stations, factories, shops, offices, and all public buildings to be fitted with cutting edge, industrial insulation. This is our area of expertise at Rilmac Insulation.
We are able to survey the requirements of any project, advise on the best solution, provide on the energy and cost savings available, design the appropriate insulation, build the materials and metal cladding, and then install on site.
Rilmac Insulation Case Study – RAF Wattisham
Customer - Sleaford Building Services (SBS)
Location - Wattisham
Sector- Pipework & Ducting
Duration - 2 weeks
Approximate value - £15k
Rilmac Insulation Limited completed the thermal insulation of internal heating and domestic pipework services and ventilation ductwork within the proposed MTM Building at RAF Wattisham, Suffolk. On the mezzanine floor level the pipework and ductwork was insulated and clad with stucco aluminium. All pipework insulation within the plantroom areas were clad with Isogenopak. Valves and flanges were insulated with purpose made removable insulation jackets to a high standard. The Job was a success and SBS passed comment on the high level of workmanship.